
A Sacrament is an outward sign
instituted by Christ to give grace


Baptism is a beginning of our life in Christ and welcomes a child into the spiritual, social, and sacramental life of the faith community. Bilingual infant baptisms are held about 6 times a year. Leading up to the baptism, parents and godparents are invited to renew their relationship with the church and deepen their understanding of the sacrament of baptism through an interview and retreat.

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The sacrament of Reconciliation, a sacrament of healing through confessing our sins and receiving God’s mercy, is available at St. Mary’s every Saturday from 4:00-5:00pm and also by appointment. Confession is available in English, Spanish, and French. There are special bilingual reconciliation services held throughout the year, and a greater availability for reconciliation during Lent. Please check our church calendar for more information.

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A commitment to a giving-receiving relationship, as expressed in the exchange of vows before God and the Church, is what is celebrated in the Sacrament of Marriage. Couples become Christ for each other. If you are interested in marrying at St. Mary’s call to arrange to meet with the pastor. Preparation includes “Pre-Cana” workshops scheduled by the Office of Family Life/Respect Life of the Archdiocese of New York. For more information please click here. Please allow six months for marriage preparation. The basic offering for a wedding is $150 for parishioners and $250 for non-parishioners with proper permission. This fee does not include music or other services.

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Anointing of the Sick

When bodily ailments are overwhelming, when strength is needed to endure medical procedures and treatments, the sacrament of anointing of the sick is a sure source of grace and healing. Anointing of the Sick is given at the 9:00am Mass on the First Friday of each month. For a home visit, please call the Parish Office directly at (212) 674-3266. For more information about Anointing of the Sick on First Fridays please contact us.

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First Communion

Participation in the Eucharist strengthens our bond to God, the Father, through partaking of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Preparation for receiving the sacraments of First Holy Communion Eucharist and Reconciliation begins at home and is completed through the parish Religious Education program. Children enroll in and attend religious education instruction for 2 years prior to receiving their First Reconciliation and First Communion.

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RCIA Rite of Initiation of Adults

Adults interested in becoming a Catholic, or who want to complete their initiation (communion and/or confirmation), are encouraged to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Classes are conducted in English and Spanish and meet weekly for a designated period of time, culminating at the reception of sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass. For more information about the RCIA process at St. Mary’s please click here.



The sacrament of Confirmation, which completes a person’s initiation into the Church, is a two-year process at St. Mary’s. Youth in the 7th grade enroll in the confirmation class and attend class every Sunday, followed by Mass, during the school year. Interspersed with formal class are opportunities for gathering with neighboring youth groups for a variety of activities, including service, dramatic arts, prayer days and retreats. Confirmation is celebrated at the end of the second year of class participation.


Adults desiring confirmation are encouraged to attend Mass regularly. Classes are formed on an on-going basis and are conducted in Spanish and English.

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Learn more about our parish

The Church of St. Mary will celebrate its Bicentennial Anniversary on Pentecost Sunday, May 26, 2026

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